I am a woman pediatrician and am sorry to hear that this behavior is pervasive in the world now. I read your work and you are my go to poet now. Please do not let others hurt you. Hurt people hurt people healed people heal people. You are healing so many John. Thank you for sharing. Remember those who have been persecuted and put in jail by others for doing the right thing. Sending love and please keep it coming.

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I think you wrote back with much more than you owe them, John. I'd be tempted to just right back, "Cool."

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I just found you and your writing has profoundly impacted me during a very tough time in my life. I love your writing and wish I could pull out my own words. TBI struggles. Don’t stop writing!!!

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My Dad, not known for his poetry, had a wonderful saying for times like this: “Don't let the bastards get ya down.”

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I love this! As a poet, one of the things I love about poetry is how broad it is, how each writer can make it unique. I think there needs to be room for all types of poetry -- and as someone who writes authentically and honestly, people don't always like that. But vulnerability and authenticity make the most beautiful and raw poems.

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Oh, the gatekeepers! I hid my voice for decades because I feared rejection. Now and then I get msg from someone who read one of my Substack articles and is compelled to __splain to me why my thoughts are wrong. I would never dream of doing such a thing to another writer!

Keep doing what you are doing and thank you for modeling such a beautiful response.

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Excellent response to poets who could never reach the heart and soul of others like you do. If they could, they wouldn't respond to your work that way. Love & light (and keep the faith for all of us!) Barbara xoxo

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Wow, this hits so close to home. I've written poetry in the past that was looked down upon and dissected until it didn't sound anything like the original. I know I was not a "perfect" poet, but I wrote from the heart. Now, if I write it's only for myself. Thank you for your encouraging words.

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Thank you for sharing this article and for clapping back at those who seek to exclude a voice that uniquely seeks to connect with open hearts.

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I just have to thank you for sharing this letter with us. I am in tears. As a fellow artist/poet/creative I have deep wounds around being told to stay out by the gatekeepers as I believe most people in the human race have as well. Your words are deeply moving and deeply freeing.

Warm regards,

Tara Hayden

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Please continue to be yourself & write how you please. We need more writers like you who offer truth, vulnerability, & authenticity to the readers/world. Shame on anyone who is determined to squelch your light or our ability to enjoy it.

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I agree with everything you have said here John and it resonates so much. I started writing tentatively at 40 and have since self-published 3 pamphlets, none of which had to go through any golden gates! Whilst I am interested in developing my poetry I have no interest in poetry snobbery or elitism. Like you I simply want to share my voice and hope that in doing so others may be encouraged to do the same. Keep sharing your wonderful light!

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I couldn't agree more! This morning I read a quote - 'if you can breathe, you can do yoga'. How about 'if you can write, you can write poetry'... 'if you can hold a brush, you can do art', 'if you can move, you can dance'... that way all 'voices' are included in the rich tapestry of life. Spiders do not 'screen' themselves from building the most beautiful webs, nature does not say 'no, not welcome here' - every life form has the chance to begin - whether it thrives or not is a different matter.

I have never considered myself to be a poet or even writer particularly. But recently I realised that written words is one form in which i like to express myself, for and with myself and sometimes with others. And really recently, after the loss of a good friend, 2 'poem's emerged out of the depths in response to my experience... and that's what matters to me. Who cares if it would meet the 'standards' - it's all expression and our human hearts have a right to have their voice expressed. If it's not 'narrative' then it's poetry... however it's written.

Maybe gatekeepers are just trying to protect a particular 'style' of poetry but they can't stop people from expressing themselves in the form of words. And so hallelujah for people like you who encourage others to write from within, from their hearts.

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How did E E Cummings slip through the gates?

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This is such an important, critical, needed message, John.


Thank you. So much.

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This needed to be said. Bravo.

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