Why reserve a spot around the campfire?
Because it’s hard to travel in the wilderness all alone. There is so much comfort in knowing that there will always be a spot waiting for you around this campfire with other fellow seekers and searchers whenever you need it.
This place of crackling respite and handwarming hope is a perfect spot for anyone who wants to safely rest under some virtual stars while I spin you a story of two of my own adventures into the badlands of my heart.
Here at the Campfire, I will be sending out 3 newsletters a month that features brand new writing with some other little surprises I have in store for PAID SUBSCRIBERS.
FREE SUBSCRIBERS will receive 1 newsletter a month with new writing.
I will no longer be putting my brand new writings on Facebook right away. These new words I am transcribing from the cavern walls of my heart will be here exclusively for a month for subscribers before they are ever posted to social media.
Subscribers to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss a gathering around the campfire.
Free subscribers will get
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