While a lot of my readership exists on social media, I do my best to limit my time scrolling through the endless feeds. That’s because I’m the perfect mark for a troll— the kind who thrives on curating rage and division. I can go from calm to completely unhinged in about 4.2 seconds when I read something typed purely to provoke.
For my own mental health, I try to avoid the endless debate clubs that exist online. But lately, I’ve done a poor job steering clear of the relentless virtual trash fires that most comment sections ignite into.
This poem is my response to those who keep trying to bait us into widening the gap between us.
Dear angry social media debate club captain, There isn't an easy way to say this to you but I need you to know something. Four things actually. The first thing i need you to know is
I don't believe that the conversations we have with one another should have winners or losers There is no such thing as victory when it comes to relationships I no longer believe in being right or winning the argument I don't believe in last words or epic rants or endless virtual debate clubs. I don't believe that the truth needs to be wrapped in so much barbed wire. I just don't. I'm not here to convince you of anything. That's not my job. Even if it was I would be terrible at it. I barely can convince myself to wear pants. You want to believe that your world view has been anointed by God. I won't stop you. Enjoy your certainty. I'll be swimming in the sun soaked waters of the swirling grey. The second thing is
(and I know you are really going to hate this) I believe that our hearts are lightly poached eggs with a runny yolk. Sometimes I get my heart mixed up in the toast and the undercooked ranch potatoes and that’s totally okay I’m at home on my messy plate. I know my lack of order disgusts you. I know you wish I wouldn’t be so desperately unconcerned with arguing. I know you wish I would just see things your way. I can’t. Everything is just to damn chaotic for me to understand it. It’s all too much of a casserole for me to separate fact from fiction. I love how disorderly and mysterious life is. While you love the starchy feel that you get wearing your freshly pressed pants of your convictions. Your vocation apparently is to brand us all like cattle with your opinions that you have made into gospel. To conform us to moo at the moon in the same pitch and tempo as you do. You seem hell bent on casting us in the hard concrete of your beliefs. Sorry but none of that work for me. I was made to be seduced by empathy - feel free to argue with everyone until the dust comes to reclaim you. I am more about respite than I am about respect. We would make terrible roommates. The third thing is
I don't mind losing to you I don't mind giving you the trophy. You earned it. You keep clearing the same weeds that I press my ears to I just want to hear their secrets within the same dandelion roots that you're trying to dig up The fourth thing is
I believe that deep within the fault line that exists between us is a river of flowing diamonds. These diamonds are our differences that you're so desperate to excavate to make a necklace out of. Go right ahead. You can mine for all that separates us. You can frack for all of our fossilized contradictions until the Earth fractures into a mosaic. I don't care. I’m not interested in division. I’m only interested in the songs I keep hearing coming from behind the clouds that keep inviting me into wonder. So, please keep waging your war for being right. I won’t interfere with your certainty. I'll just be under the tree in yard counting the birds while you are digging in a tomb of worms love, me ~ john roedel (johnroedel.com)
There is magic that happens when we sit down and write next to other open-hearted humans in a safe space.
We dig deeper. We find new words. We roam into uncharted territory.
Come write and explore your heart with me this April in the mystical beauty of the Southwest to share the story that only you can tell.
In this energizing experience, we’ll dive deep into journaling, group sharing, creative exercises, movement, and hands-on activities—all designed to help you write fearlessly, with no concern for what the world might think.
I will be sharing my poetry, humor and story as I gently help you explore the unmapped lands of your own wild heart.
Curious for more details? Just click the link below.
It's as if you reached into my thoughts and spoke through my heart with "the first thing..." Wow, just wow. Thank you!
Dear John, I want to hear the pros and cons of the debate of “convince myself to wear pants.” I wonder if there is any credence of what the weather is doing..or if it is blizzard-ing…or if your nose hairs will freeze.. by just the wind chill factor..and speaking of a runny yolk..isn’t it the bestest.. or maybe our hearts are sunny side up..with those ranch taters on the messy plate of life..believe me..I don’t think my plate will ever be clean! I guess it’s okay with me..as I make room for another helping..and my favorite thing of all things…toast..Toasty toast..the most-y most.. the most comforting thing I have ever had to eat..it is better than sliced bread…(oh that sounds weird, but okay) and I love to eat it … it even goes with that casserole dish..tuna and noodles..it does make you wonder which is fiction or something other than that ..that is edible..or palatable.. aren’t we all sick to our stomachs in one size fits all. A T-shirt so big ..it goes down to our knees…and can double as a mini dress.. I guess.. But I agree..can’t we just be happy as a square peg! I guess I can answer to being called “Peggy”. Maybe even 🎶Peggy Sue..pretty pretty pretty pretty Peggy Sue🎶We don’t need to fit in that round hole anymore…but I know the mystery of life is so much bigger and better than what fills our mind every day..And I see you there under the tree..is that a birdie nesting there in your hair? I do believe it is winking at me.😉 or do I have it wrong.. I think I hear a song..from behind the clouds of confusion and conflict..it says..🎶Don’t worry about a thing..‘cause every little thing..is gonna be alright 🎶🎶 Happy New Year, my friend ..here is a Good luck toast 🥂..for smiles and giggles and adventures and wonders that fill our heart with glee…in 2025.. and I hear as you waddle..in that signature penguin walk🐧..a little..tiny laugh..as you let out a little “tee hee” as you read my comments.. ..you know I love you.. and all the words of your heart ..as they come spilling out to me through the Substack breeze. Thank you as always. ..Have a wonderful day ☀️🙌🏻👏🏻❣️😘